
Fersped JSC Skopje is a joint stock company with one level management system.

Assembly of Shareholders
The Assembly decides on issues strictly provided with the Company Law and with the Statute of Fersped AD Skopje, and especially on:
1.Changes in the Statute;
2.Approval of annual reports, financial statements and the annual report on the success of the company in the previous fiscal year and on allocation of earnings;
3.Appointment and dismissal of the Board of Directors members;
4.Approval of the operations and management of the operations of the Company by the members of the Board of Directors;
5.Change of the rights connected with separate types and classes of shares;
6.Increase or decrease of the basic principle of the Company;
7.Issuance of shares and other securities;
8.Appointment of authorized Auditor to audit annual reports and financial statements;
9.Transformation of the company into another form as well as statutory changes of the Company and
10.Termination of the Company. 


The Assembly appoints the Board of Directors members.

The Board of Directors has 6 members, out of which:

5 non-executive and 1 executive member.

The executive member haa the following title: General Manager 


Non-executive members:

- Chairman of the Board of Directors,

- 3 Non-executive Members

- 1 Non-executive/Independent Member.

The Board of Directors, within the competences prescribed by the Statute, the Law and the authorizations specifically granted by the Company Assembly, has widest authorizations on behalf of the company in all circumstances.

The Board of Directors operates and makes decisions as prescribed by the Law and the Statute.


Ul. Makedonija 11a 1000 Skopje